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DLT Science Foundation's Collaborative Workshop Introduces Hedera in Puerto Rico

September 28, 2023
Puerto Rico

On 28th September 2023, we hosted a dynamic virtual workshop in partnership with Evolving Space. The event, titled “Puerto Rico Intro to Hedera”, introduced attendees to the unique facets of the blockchain network.

On 28th September 2023, we hosted a dynamic virtual workshop in partnership with Evolving Space. The event, titled “Puerto Rico Intro to Hedera”, introduced attendees to the unique facets of the blockchain network.

The workshop was spearheaded by Walter Hernandez, a DSF researcher with a track record of contributing to the Hedera ecosystem. The workshop included presentations, discussion and Q&A segments to allow attendees to explore and understand the nuances of Hedera. Naturally, the workshop dove into Hedera’s distinctive performance, security, and efficiency.

The event brought together a diverse group of 27 individuals, ranging from blockchain enthusiasts to professionals looking to deepen their understanding of distributed ledger technologies. This diverse audience contributed to the richness of the discussions, providing varied perspectives and insights, but also generated a platform for networking.  Participants had the chance to connect with like-minded individuals and professionals, fostering a sense of community aligned with DSF’s values and support of the Hedera ecosystem.