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Decentralised AI: A Future Defined at the DSF AI Roundtable

September 26, 2023

The DLT Science Foundation recently hosted the 'Decentralised AI Roundtable'. This symposium, held in London with an online attendance option, merged the expertise of industry leaders and academic researchers, and presented a platform for a discussion and a series of presentations about Decentralised AI and its emerging applications.

The DLT Science Foundation recently hosted the 'Decentralised AI Roundtable'. This symposium, held in London with an online attendance option, merged the expertise of industry leaders and academic researchers, and presented a platform for a discussion and a series of presentations about Decentralised AI and its emerging applications.

Decentralised AI is at the forefront of technological advancement, offering new ways to leverage AI in a distributed environment. This field promises to reshape how companies and researchers approach AI, offering novel solutions to complex problems.

DSF marked the event with the presence of distinguished speakers, including Dr Alastair Moore from Peking University (PKU) and University College London (UCL), Dr Ben Steer from Pometry, Timothy S. from Flock, Dr Zehua Cheng from Oxford University, Niall Roche from UCL School of Management, Shyam Nagarajan from IBM, and Nilmini Rubin from Hedera. Their presentations offered diverse perspectives on the implementation and potential of decentralised AI across various sectors.

Dr. Charles Higgins kicked off with insights into combining machine learning and blockchain, suggesting how AI can be more secure and transparent. Dr. Ben Steer from Pometry followed, discussing the use of graph machine learning in understanding complex systems, especially in blockchain.

Jiahao Sun's talk on "Federated Learning and Web3" explored how decentralisation could change AI's efficiency and privacy. Niall Roche from UCL School of Management then linked natural language processing with smart contracts, showing AI's potential in simplifying legal language for digital contracts. Policy discussions on Web3 and AI were also a highlight, with insights from Nilmini Rubin, Shyam Nagarajan and Bhargav Perepa.

The roundtable also served as a testament to the Foundation's collaboration with universities, underscored by the partnership with Peking University. Furthermore, with a compact and focused attendee list, the event ensured a conducive environment for in-depth discussions and networking.