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CAAW 2024: The 3rd International Workshop on Cryptoasset Analytics (CAAW) | Co-located with the ACM Web Conference 2024

May 14, 2024

The 3rd International Workshop on Cryptoasset Analytics (CAAW) is a premier gathering for researchers across various academic disciplines. It focuses on the latest findings in cryptoasset analytics and related ecosystems. The workshop is an interdisciplinary platform, bridging the gap between technology and cross-cutting issues like law, ethics, and security.

The 3rd International Workshop on Cryptoasset Analytics (CAAW) is a premier gathering for researchers across various academic disciplines. It focuses on the latest findings in cryptoasset analytics and related ecosystems. The workshop is an interdisciplinary platform, bridging the gap between technology and cross-cutting issues like law, ethics, and security.

CAAW 2024 will feature a blend of invited talks and peer-reviewed research contributions. Topics include empirical studies, analytics methods, case studies, and cross-cutting issues such as legal and ethical considerations.

Call for Papers

The workshop invites submissions on a range of topics, including empirical studies, analytics methods, case studies, and cross-cutting issues in cryptoassets. Detailed submission guidelines are available, with a focus on originality and adherence to formatting standards. The call is available here.

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: February 5, 2024 (extended to February 10, 2024)
  • Acceptance Notification: March 4, 2024
  • Camera-ready Version: March 11, 2024

Organising and Program Committee

The event is organised by an international committee, including Bernhard Haslhofer, Friedhelm Victor, Jiahua Xu, and Kwok-Yan Lam. The program committee comprises experts from various institutions worldwide.

Further Information:

For more details and submission instructions, visit the CAAW official website.